in TRI -ing times
Current mood: adventurous

If I could have predicted the way that this last three weeks have gone I am not sure that I would have embarked on this journey to begin with. I am so freaking tired. I am ready to say that " I am a triathlete", no more " I am training for a triathlon." { Although I do plan to do more already this summer.And now I have infected others and Ben and Britt and Sean and others want to train with me later this summer!}These last few weeks have just put every aspect of me to the test. I know that come tomorrow I will wake up and feel fine, the sun will be shining things will go well and I will cross that finish line with a smile on my face. Until then though it is hard for me to grasp all of what has been thrown my way recently. It started with a stress fracture that sidelined my running, then add a hectic work schedule, two deaths very close to me, an unexpected trip to new york, major life decisions, PMS, a new boy {major distraction!}, a head cold and severe allergies and mix in some other stress factors and you have about my mind set for the past month. ...
It hard to shake this feeling that something is conspiring against me. But I am slowly realizing that its just a test. If I had been able to finish this triathlon with the ease of which I started it with then it may not mean as much. But around this time tomorrow I will be making my way across the finish line and I can't tell you what I will feel. I haven't pushed myself like this in a very very long time. So this is going to be good. I've got a great cheerleading team coming to support me and I can't wait to do them proud. I have amazing people in my life and I am very thankful for all of them.
So now, after arriving back in Virginia around 2am last night I am going to put my bike in the car and get back on the road to finish my latest life goal. Oh i can feel the butterflies starting already! Don't wish me luck, I don't need it!
Off to become a triathlete.....

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